Every day, more and more people are learning the benefits of organic gardens. Just using the tips here will show you how you can get started now with an organic garden. Just put these tips to work in your own garden to yield delicious and nutritious results.
Use perennials resistant to slugs and snails. A particularly vulnerable plant can be killed by snails and slugs overnight. Snails and slugs have a good time destroying perennials that are young and have tender and smooth thin leaves. Slugs and snails will leave some perennials alone, particularly those with a bad taste or tough, hairy leaves. Some varieties of these plants are campanula, helleborus, heuchera, or euphorbia.
The first thing you should do when planning a garden is test the soil. You can actually get an analysis of soil for a little fee, and with the report you get back you can figure out how to create a vibrant garden by enriching it properly. A lot of cooperative extension offices can provide this service to you and it is worth knowing what you need to do in order to avoid ruining your plants.
Be sure to weed your garden. Unwanted weeds fight for the same nutrients that more desirable plants do, and they also are unsightly. A great way to get rid of them is to use white vinegar. White vinegar is natural, very inexpensive, and can really kill the weeds! If you are too busy to pull weeds by hand, make a white vinegar solution and keep it handy for a quick spray when needed.
During fall, you should plant cold weather vegetables. Clay pots are boring, so replace those ordinary lettuce and kale pots with pumpkins. Once you cut an opening at the top of the pumpkin and scoop out the insides, spray the inside and edges with Wilt-Pruf to keep the pumpkin from rotting. Once you have completed this, start planting!
Pre-soak seeds overnight in a dark place. Drop your seeds into a small jar that is filled with cold water. This will allow your seeds to be hydrated and get a head start when growing. This increases the chances of survival for the seeds.
Don’t cut your grass too short! If you let your grass keep some height after mowing, it will be able to absorb more sun and moisture resulting in a lusher, greener lawn. Short grass is more prone to getting dried out and turning brown.
Coffee Grounds
A simple way to lower the alkaline content of your soil is to dilute it with coffee grounds. Using coffee grounds is a less expensive way to make your soil more acidic than trying to replace your topsoil. You will notice that your vegetables and greens will have a stronger taste.
Perfecting an organic garden is as simple as committing a little time, and being patient. Head out to the garden, and make use of these tips to turn it into an amazing organic masterpiece. It doesn’t matter what you are growing, these tips can help you be successful.
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